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About KB Add-ons

Access Manager

Access Manager allows administrators, companies, and organizations to control and restrict access to their private Knowledge Base based on WordPress user accounts. Grant permission using roles and groups.
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Elegant Layouts

Elegant Layouts adds Grid and Sidebar Layouts. Use Grid Layout or Sidebar Layout for KB Main page or combine Basic, Tabs, Grid and Sidebar layouts in a variety ways. Learn More.
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Multiple Knowledge Bases

Create Multiple Knowledge Bases, one for each product, service, topic or department. Each Knowledgebase has separate articles, URLs, KB Main Page and admin screens. Learn More.
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Advanced Search

Enhance users search experience and view search analytics including popular searches and no results searches. Learn More.
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Article Rating and Feedback

Let your readers rate the quality of your articles and submit insightful feedback. Utilize analytics on most and least rated articles. Learn More.
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Add Knowledgebase Search, Most Recent Articles and other Widgets and Shortcodes to your articles, sidebars and pages. Learn More.
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Links Editor for PDFs and More

Set Articles to links to PDFs, pages, posts and websites. On KB Main Page, choose icons for your articles. Learn More.
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